Reviews Sommargryningsljus

Reviews Sommargryningsljus

Progressive Rock Central

Kaipa’s Sommargryningsljus, a Masterpiece

The key to Kaipa’s success lies in Hans Lundin’s exceptional talent as a keyboard virtuoso, arranger, and composer. His keen eye for recruiting new talent further bolsters the band’s strength. Notably, the group features the exquisite vocals of Aleena Gibson, undoubtedly one of the best singers in the current progressive rock scene.

Lundin, a master of symphonic progressive rock infused with Swedish folk influences, consistently delivers masterful keyboard orchestrations and memorable synth solos. Additionally, Sommargryningsljus features spectacular, epic guitar work by Per Nilsson. Meanwhile, Aleena Gibson not only exhibits her talent as a lead vocalist but also provides fantastic backing vocals, enriching the band’s sound.

The rhythm section is equally spectacular, featuring dazzling ensemble work characterized by creative drumming and bass. Moreover, the solid interplay among the musicians adds depth and dynamism to Kaipa’s overall performance.

The Progressive Aspect

An album of classy, immersive symphonic prog by these Swedish masters, with lush, complex melodies and textures throughout, which has beauty within the depths of the music that draws you into their wonderful melodic world. This is an involving album that requires you to invest some serious listening time, for which you will be richly rewarded as each play reveals many different layers.

Lots of Muzic

Sommargryningsljus 10/10

Kaipa’s newest release, ‘Sommargryningsljus‘, stands as a vibrant testament to their enduring prowess in the progressive rock realm. This album marks their 15th studio album, following the well-received ‘Urskog‘ from 2022, and illustrates how the band, even after over half a century, continues to innovate while staying true to their roots. The time spent honing their craft between albums is clearly evident, resulting in a mesmerising listening experience.

In ‘Sommargryningsljus‘, Kaipa takes us on a narrative journey through dusk to dawn, representing twilight and dawn respectively, echoing themes of life cycles and renewal. The careful curation of track order and thematic coherence make this album not just a collection of songs but a singular, cohesive experience. The album’s artwork accentuates this theme, enhancing the immersive journey.

With ‘Sommargryningsljus‘, Kaipa solidifies their position as stalwarts of symphonic progressive rock, delivering an album that is lush, intricate, and deeply satisfying. It is a powerful reminder of their enduring relevance and an album that both long-time fans and newcomers will find much to enjoy. 


Sommargryningsljus 10/10

Anyone familiar with Kaipa's music will be accustomed to the very dexterous and imaginative keyboard talents of band leader, Hans Lundin. His legendary skills as a consummate composer and writer of some truly remarkable music is further advanced by the very creative and absorbing music he and his bandmates have offered with their latest album. This is simply a marvellous body of work that must surely stand as one of the best albums from 2024. Run, don't walk and grab a copy today. Highly recommended.

Background Magazine

If you can create such beautiful music after a history of 50 years of Kaipa, then I will take my hat off and bow for you, you master Hans! 5/5

When I draw my conclusion I can only tell you that the older Hans Lundin becomes,the better his music sounds and that is a great compliment, because earlier albums were also from a high standard. For me this album is his best work to date. I hope he is given some time to create more of this beautiful music, however I also want Hans to relax as much as is possible for his age. But hopefully his relaxation is found in creating music, then everything goes hand in hand. Another time I say to Hans that I bow for you after I took off my hat, you are a true musical master!!! 


Sommargryningsljus 5/5

Kaipa's Sommargryningsljus is another exceptional and enjoyable album of their signature and innovative, neo-classical, melodic progressive rock. If you love the genre, then listen to the masters. Quite recommended.


This is an album that will require your involvement and an investment of your time that you will not regret one bit, for this album is full of superb tracks with some excellent extended musical passages.

Overall, this is another excellent album from Kaipa. Fans of symphonic progressive music will find much to enjoy herein, it is a wonderful release that is most definitely worthy of investigation.

The Prog Report

Strong melodies, fascinating instrument development sections, and excellent musicianship.

On Sommargryningsljus the band works well as a unit, giving life to these often-complex arrangements and sprawling melodies. This is an album that might take a little while for listeners to appreciate but the time investment will be a well spent as the individual pieces of the album come together nicely as one begins to grasp the overarching themes. This is an album that rewards repeated listens.


A beautifully crafted record, it manages to capture the majesty of classic symphonic prog with a distinctly Scandinavian flavour. Almost 50 years after Kaipa first formed, Hans Lundin is to be applauded for continuing to produce such rewarding music that delights and feeds the soul.

Progressive Rock Journal

Kaipa are definitely one of the longest-running bands in the world’s Progressive Rock scene, founding their roots in the 70’s. Their discography is rich with albums of absolute value and this new chapter is one of those, with long-lasting tracks, excellent workmanship, keeping the listener focused on the music and the various passages that the band offers. An absolute masterpiece of modern world Progressive Rock, in my opinion among the absolute best works heard in recent years, as well as one of the most beautiful record releases of this 2024.

Metal digest

Kaipa have delivered one of the best classic progressive rock albums of the year 9/10

This is an album which shows Kaipa are sticking to what they do best as they blend progressive rock with large elements of hard rock as well as folk and jazz to bring an absolute cacophony of sounds together. This is stitched seamlessly, and it presents the opportunity for ‘Sommargryningsljus’ to develop grandiose orchestral arrangements capable providing Kaipa with something unique. There will certainly be a lot of prog rock released this year, but it is guaranteed that not much will come close to this and if you’re into this genre,then Kaipa have just delivered one of the best albums of the year.


The Swedes of 'Kaipa' have once again brought together all the ingredients of symphonic progressive rock to offer us a new sublime and intense journey with long developments of extraordinary richness and, the standard meter words of 50 years of progressive are a very good definition of 'Sommargryningsljus' which should, without a doubt, join the ideal discotheque of any progressive fan...

The Prog Corner (YouTube)

Sweden’s Kaipa releases their 15th album and it’s exceptionally good!!! 9,5/10

Hotel Hobbies

Fans of the band and traditional progressive rock in general will definitely find plenty to appreciate and savour during some quite exquisite movements. Having existed for almost fifty years, Kaipa deserve to be recognised amongst the stalwarts of progressive rock.


Sommargryningsljus is an impressive album.Sensitive, powerful and consistently musical, it is pleasantly entertaining for a good 80 minutes and when the last note fades away,a beautiful euphony remains as an echo of what has just been heard. It's nice that this still exists.


Sweden Rock Magazine

Det är detta Kaipa som fansen har kommit att älska sedan återfödelsen med ”Notes from the past” 2002. Det är en klurig och påhittig progrock på folkmusikalisk botten, där de tre sångarna – Patrik Lundström, Aleena Gibson och Lundin själv – vänslas i yster älskog och där Lundins klaviaturer dansar med Per Nilssons gitarrsolon på ett sätt så att man knappt kan tyda vem som spelar vad. ”Like thousand dawns”, ”Chased by wolves and burned by the sun”, ”Spiderweb train” - titlarna talar sitt eget tydliga språk. Här är det inre resor som gäller snarare än ytliga betraktelser.

På Kaipas tionde album efter återkomsten är överraskningsmomenten få,men känslosvallen desto ymnigare. 8/10


Power Metal

Ein Meilenstein - selbst in der hoch dekorierten Diskografie dieser Legende! 10/10

Die nahezu ausschließlich überlangen Stücke wimmeln nämlich nur so vor Kontrasten und instrumentalen Details, dass man sich am Ende garnicht vorstellen kann, wie es der Band erneut gelungen ist, die Vielzahl der Harmonien, diese unglaublich schönen Melodien und auch das atmosphärische Setting von "Sommargryningsljus" derart fantastisch in Einklang zu bringen. Man bekommt das Gefühl, dass hier eine Musikervereinigung über Jahrzehnte hinweg ihr Magnum Opus entworfen hat. Stücke wie das von Gänsehautmelodien begleitete 'Seven Birds' oder das von wunderbaren NeoProg-Elementen unterlegte,erstaunlich gut zugängliche und doch so variantenreiche 'Revelationview', verdeutlichen nicht nur die individuelle Klasse aller beteiligten Künstler, sondern bringen eine solche musikalischeTiefe mit sich, dass der Kniefall jeweils schon beim einleitenden Riff zur Selbstverständlichkeit wird.

Anlauf vielleicht tatsächlich noch das beste Album in der langen Historie dieser schwedischen Legende. In vielen Augen sind die Kollegen von THE FLOWER KINGS immer noch die bedeutsamste Prog-Kapelle im skandinavischen Raum. Wer sich jedoch "Sommargryiningsljus" etwas ausführlicher zu Gemüte führt, wird für sich feststellen müssen, dass dieser Status lediglich einer Band wirklich zusteht -und die hört auf den Namen KAIPA und hat sich erneut selbst übertroffen!


Sommargryningsljus 10/10

Harmonien, Melodien,Rhythmen, Performances und Stimmungen der Sonderklasse. Das Motto"jede/jeder mit jeder/jedem immer und überall" trifft hierim positiven Sinne zu: akustische Perfektion? Alles, wirklich ALLESan dieser Platte ist perfekt: perfekt produziert, perfekt komponiert,perfekt gespielt, perfekt arrangiert, perfekt aufgenommen

Ich mach's kurz: KAIPA= harmonischer Balsam für MEINE Seele, melodische Kraft für MEINEOhren, rhythmischer Wohlklang für MEINEN Körper. Ich bin totalbegeistert, kann mir kaum "bessere" Musik (whatever THATmeans) vorstellen! Mal wieder, muss ich sagen, denn alle (ichwiederhole: ALLE) KAIPA-Scheiben sind einfach sensationell. KAIPA =Musik für MEINE einsame Insel, obwohl (oder vielleicht gerade weil)KAIPA = NO METAL!


KAIPA spielen auch auf"Sommargryningsljus" zeitlosen Retro-Prog miteiner jugendlichen Energie, deretwegen man keine altgediente Bandhinter dem Album wähnen würde. Klassischer geht Progressive Rockkaum, und im Verbund mit einem Songwriting, dessen weite Melodiebögenin eine vollmundige Produktion gebettet wurden, ergibt das eineschier unschlagbare Mischung 13/15


Richtig episch und monumental wird es dann etwa beim Viertelstünder „SpiderwebTrain“, ein Fest für Kopfkino-Gänger! Wer Prog mag, kommt andiesem Album bw. an dieser Band einfach nicht vorbei! Ein sehr intensives, wunderbares und höchst emotionales Hörvergnügen! 12/15

Hooked on music

"Sommargryningsljus" ist ein weiteres wunderbares und sehr frisch klingendes Werk von KAIPA. Die Band empfängt uns hier wieder in ihrem wunderbaren Klangkosmos, der einefast heilende Wirkung besitzt - ganz genau so wie das"Sommermorgenlicht".

Rock Tribune

Een groep die telkensweer gave albums aflevert. En dit is er één met 80 minuten progressieve muziek om van te genieten. 9/10



«Sommargryningsljus»de Kaipa, toda la belleza de la naturaleza condensada en esta obramagna sueca.

Este disco sigue en lalínea de su precursor, Urskog y creemos que expande este estilo y lorefina a un siguiente nivel, presentando todo lo mejor de la bandapero a un grado de excelencia destacado. Las melodías folklóricaspintan atardeceres y mañanas en violines, flautas, hammonds ymellotrons, todo junto a la osadía de una base rítmica jazzera ehipnótica, runs insuperables en las cuatro cuerdas y atmósferas muybien logradas con brillantes pads y múltiples capas armónicas

Dioses del metal

Éste es un disco que todo buen amante del Rock Progresivo no puede perderse bajo ningún concepto, ya que la pureza de este género musical, se encuentra intacta en cada una de las canciones además de aportar originalidad a través de esos tintes de Folk tan sutiles.


Cosa c'è, dunque,dentro "Sommargryningsljus"? La solita (e si intenda 'solita' con un'accezione più che positiva) miscela sonora, fatta di elementi folk, tematiche legate ai cicli della natura, ed unprog rock solidamente ancorato agli stilemi degli anni Settanta, pursenza disprezzare qualche distorsione più moderna, o una produzionesicuramente non vintage (ed ottima).
Come da tradizione, pezzimolto lunghi ed estremamente articolati, che 'respirano' di momentipiù leggeri ed altri più incalzanti; il tutto incorniciato dallaintro "Sommarskymningsljus" (DUE birre a chi mi falo spelling) e dalla bella e struggente title track, qui presenteanche in versione radio edit, che curiosamente è più lunga della versione ufficiale!

Insomma, tanto per cambiare, il solito dischetto delizioso di una band che, per nostra fortuna, non ne vuolesapere di andare in pensione.


Via Nocturna

E, depois de uma intensa, deliciosa e tocante viagem por mais de uma hora de música do mais fino recorte técnico e executada pelos mais exímios instrumentistas, Sommargryningsljus, termina como começou – com o tema-título em tons de uma indescritível simplicidade, mas carregada de um profundo sentimento. E agora, percebe-se o que diferencia os Kaipa dos restantes: uma capacidade única de inserir uma forte tendência emocional em temas de enorme complexidade instrumental e de arranjos. [97%]


‘Sommargryningsljus’ is het vijftiende studioalbum van dit virtuoze zestal en vertegenwoordigt 80 minuten hoogstaande progrock.De muziek is louterend en vreedzaam, zodat jeals progressieve rockfan een parel in huis haalt waar je urenlangplezier aan gaat beleven. 8/10

Het gitaarspel van Per Nilsson is fantastisch, toch is de bas van Jonas Reingold regelmatig duidelijk aanwezig. De strijkinstrumenten smelten soms samen met het geheel, op ander momenten meer op de voorgrond. Je hoort de verschillende kleurklanken van de keyboards van Hans Lundin. Alles is zeer zorgvuldig gecomponeerd en uitgevoerd. Zelfs de muzikale rusten zijn goed gekozen. Het geheel zit ingewikkeld in elkaar, toch het is comfortabel om naar te luisteren. Dat komt mede doordat de zang goed te verstaan is. Sommargryningsljus’ is alweer Kaipa’s vijftiende studioalbum, en het is een topalbum geworden. 92/100


Ook ditvijftiende album is weer een feest voor het oor en overtuigt op allefronten. Het boek Kaipa wordt hopelijk nog lang niet gesloten.


De band klinkt als een luxueuze Rolls Royce met ultiem comfort en – gelukkig maar - een beheerste chauffeur aan hetstuur. Virtuositeit gaat nooit ten koste van een melodische ontwikkeling.  ‘Sommargryningsljus’ is met zijn warme,gloedvolle klank één van hun beste albums uit een al zo fraai oeuvre van inmiddels vijftien telgen.



Et s'il fallait trouverun titre qui résume à lui seul tout l'esprit de cet album, alors 'Spiderweb Train' s'avèrerait être le candidat idéal. Tout du longde ses quinze minutes, le morceau emmène l'auditeur de rivages symphoniques vers des berges progressives plus torturées, avant derevenir dans des eaux plus apaisées au gré de mesures ternaires permettant à la guitare de Per Nilsson de chalouper d'un solo àl'autre, le tout agrémenté de quelques notes de flûte irlandaise, tandis que du haut de ses claviers, le maître de cérémonie Hans Ludin emballe l'ensemble de sonorités toutes plus variées les unesque les autres. Juste splendide.

Malgré sa longueur, "Sommarskymnigslius" passionne d'un bout à l'autre de ses 75 minutes, offrant une palette variée apte à contenter tout amateur d'un rock progressif accessible sans être simpliste. 4/5

Que vous savouriez cet album en entier ou par petites doses, plus vous lui accorderez de temps et d’attention, plus grande sera votre récompense. KAIPA nous offre une œuvre de prog symphonique de rêve,à nous d’en profiter. 9,4/10

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